

Art Supplies

Art Supplies

  • 原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00 - 原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00
    现价 $255.00
    $255.00 - $255.00
    现价 $255.00

    三菱铅笔 9000 2B - 12 支装优质铅笔

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    “使用 12 支装三菱 9000 2B 铅笔进行精确绘画和书写。这些铅笔以其卓越的品质和耐用性而闻名,每次都能确保流畅的笔触。”

    原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00 - 原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00
    现价 $255.00
    $255.00 - $255.00
    现价 $255.00
    节省0% 节省%
  • 原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00 - 原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00
    现价 $207.00
    $207.00 - $207.00
    现价 $207.00

    三菱铅笔 9000 3B - 优质 12 支装

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    “三菱 9000 3B 铅笔带来流畅的书写体验。这包 12 支装的铅笔可提供卓越的品质,适合日常使用。非常适合追求精准和流畅书写体验的艺术家和作家。卓越工艺的首选。”

    原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00 - 原价 $256.00
    原价 $256.00
    现价 $207.00
    $207.00 - $207.00
    现价 $207.00
    节省19% 节省%
  • 原价 $164.00 - 原价 $164.00
    原价 $164.00
    $275.00 - $275.00
    现价 $275.00

    三菱铅笔 9800 2H 优质 12 支装

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用三菱铅笔 9800 2H 12 支装,体验流畅的书写体验。这些优质铅笔经过精心打造,确保线条细腻且经久耐用。是艺术家、学生和专业人士的理想选择。

    原价 $164.00 - 原价 $164.00
    原价 $164.00
    $275.00 - $275.00
    现价 $275.00
  • 原价 $546.00
    原价 $546.00 - 原价 $546.00
    原价 $546.00
    现价 $324.00
    $324.00 - $324.00
    现价 $324.00

    三菱铅笔动物之森 Dms 2B 纸盒装 12 支 - K56352B

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    享受三菱铅笔动物之森 12 支装盒装的愉悦创意。这些耐用的 2B 铅笔非常适合艺术表达,可确保流畅的书写体验。非常适合每一位动物之森粉丝!

    原价 $546.00
    原价 $546.00 - 原价 $546.00
    原价 $546.00
    现价 $324.00
    $324.00 - $324.00
    现价 $324.00
    节省41% 节省%
  • 原价 $352.00
    原价 $352.00 - 原价 $352.00
    原价 $352.00
    现价 $230.00
    $230.00 - $230.00
    现价 $230.00

    三菱铅笔动物之森 Dms B 12 支装 - K5635B

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用三菱铅笔动物之森 Dms B 盒装 12 支装 K5635B 释放您的创造力。这些铅笔非常适合涂鸦、设计和记笔记,线条流畅、生动,带来艺术乐趣。

    原价 $352.00
    原价 $352.00 - 原价 $352.00
    原价 $352.00
    现价 $230.00
    $230.00 - $230.00
    现价 $230.00
    节省35% 节省%
  • 原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00 - 原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00
    现价 $381.00
    $381.00 - $381.00
    现价 $381.00

    三菱铅笔 2B 超级马里奥 - 12 支纸盒装 K55982B

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用三菱铅笔 2B 超级马里奥探索您的艺术天赋!12 支高品质绘图铅笔,装在主题纸盒中。软芯和硬芯之间的完美平衡可满足您的创作需求。

    原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00 - 原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00
    现价 $381.00
    $381.00 - $381.00
    现价 $381.00
    节省26% 节省%
  • 原价 $121.00 - 原价 $121.00
    原价 $121.00
    $320.00 - $320.00
    现价 $320.00

    三菱铅笔 B 级轻松熊系列 - 纸盒装 12 支 K5599B

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用三菱 B 级轻松熊系列铅笔探索无限创意。一盒内有十二支高品质铅笔,可实现精准流畅的书写。适合所有级别的艺术家。

    原价 $121.00 - 原价 $121.00
    原价 $121.00
    $320.00 - $320.00
    现价 $320.00
  • 原价 $166.00
    原价 $166.00 - 原价 $166.00
    原价 $166.00
    现价 $147.00
    $147.00 - $147.00
    现价 $147.00

    三菱铅笔 4B 硬书法六角杆 3 支装 Uks6K3P4B

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    三菱铅笔 4B 硬书法六角杆 3 支装,体验精准和舒适。这些 4B 铅笔适合艺术家和作家,可确保流畅、大胆的笔触和持久的品质。

    原价 $166.00
    原价 $166.00 - 原价 $166.00
    原价 $166.00
    现价 $147.00
    $147.00 - $147.00
    现价 $147.00
    节省11% 节省%
  • 原价 $229.00
    原价 $229.00 - 原价 $229.00
    原价 $229.00
    现价 $137.00
    $137.00 - $137.00
    现价 $137.00

    三菱铅笔 2H Uni 0.5 替换芯 - 202Nd 耐用书写工具

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用三菱铅笔 2H Uni 0.5 替换笔芯 - 202Nd,体验无缝且持久的书写体验。非常适合精确的艺术作品和日常书写,可确保始终如一的高品质性能。

    原价 $229.00
    原价 $229.00 - 原价 $229.00
    原价 $229.00
    现价 $137.00
    $137.00 - $137.00
    现价 $137.00
    节省40% 节省%
  • 原价 $116.00 - 原价 $116.00
    原价 $116.00
    $147.00 - $147.00
    现价 $147.00

    三菱铅笔 1.0 毫米蓝色圆珠笔替换芯 SNP-10 加压油性

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用三菱铅笔 1.0mm 蓝色圆珠笔替换芯 SNP-10,体验流畅的书写体验。使用加压油性墨水为您的笔添加墨水,以获得持久的性能。适用于任何三菱笔。

    原价 $116.00 - 原价 $116.00
    原价 $116.00
    $147.00 - $147.00
    现价 $147.00
  • 原价 $756.00 - 原价 $756.00
    原价 $756.00
    $764.00 - $764.00
    现价 $764.00

    三菱铅笔 36 色彩色铅笔 - K88836C

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用三菱 36 色彩色铅笔创作精美的艺术品。这些高品质颜料可轻松混合,呈现出完美的色调。光滑的石墨芯可确保颜色均匀分布,不会断裂或刮伤。这套铅笔包含 36 支彩色铅笔,非常适合为您的绘画和素描增添深度和细微差别。立即体验三菱铅笔的流行!

    原价 $756.00 - 原价 $756.00
    原价 $756.00
    $764.00 - $764.00
    现价 $764.00
  • 原价 $254.00
    原价 $254.00 - 原价 $254.00
    原价 $254.00
    现价 $238.00
    $238.00 - $238.00
    现价 $238.00

    三菱铅笔 Alpha Gel Firm 0.5 白色自动铅笔 - 日本 M5809Gg1P.1

    Mitsubishi Pencil

    使用日本三菱 Alpha Gel Firm 0.5 白色自动铅笔提升您的书写体验。这种独特的六角形设计提供舒适且可控制的书写体验,而 0.5 号铅芯尺寸可提供流畅清晰的线条。柔软的橡胶握柄确保符合人体工程学的体验,可伸缩橡皮擦可快速准确地纠正错误。这款可靠的铅笔配有金属口袋夹和可调节的铅芯厚度...

    原价 $254.00
    原价 $254.00 - 原价 $254.00
    原价 $254.00
    现价 $238.00
    $238.00 - $238.00
    现价 $238.00
    节省6% 节省%
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $650.00 - $650.00
    现价 $650.00

    Daiwa 海鲈鱼铅笔 Morethan Switch Hitter 65S Adele Burning Sardine


    使用 Daiwa Sea Bass Pencil Morethan Switch Hitter 65S 的 Adele Burning Sardine 来掌握钓鱼的艺术。这款诱饵制作精良,抛投效果出色,游泳动作逼真,可轻松吸引鲈鱼。适合所有技能水平。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $650.00 - $650.00
    现价 $650.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $581.00 - $581.00
    现价 $581.00

    Daiwa Seabass Pencil 65S 超越左右开弓的 Adel Never Sleeps


    使用 Daiwa Seabass Pencil 65S Morethan Switch Hitter Adel Never Sleeps 钓到更多鲈鱼。其时尚的设计和动态动作可吸引大鱼,而耐用的结构可确保持久的性能。非常适合寻求可靠结果的垂钓者。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $581.00 - $581.00
    现价 $581.00
  • 原价 $5,798.00 - 原价 $5,798.00
    原价 $5,798.00
    $6,778.00 - $6,778.00
    现价 $6,778.00

    Fate/Grand Order 阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡 [Alter] Figure Hobby Japan 1/7 已涂装

    Hobby Japan

    这款来自 Hobby Japan 的 Fate/Grand Order Artoria Pendragon [Alter] 手办是一款令人惊叹的 1/7 比例彩绘手办。这款手办细节丰富,色彩绚丽,是 Fate/Grand Order 粉丝的必备之物。今天就将这款极具收藏价值的手办加入您的收藏吧。

    原价 $5,798.00 - 原价 $5,798.00
    原价 $5,798.00
    $6,778.00 - $6,778.00
    现价 $6,778.00
  • 原价 $4,047.00 - 原价 $4,047.00
    原价 $4,047.00
    $5,988.00 - $5,988.00
    现价 $5,988.00

    京商 1/64 头文字 D 漫画彩绘套装 3


    “用京商 1/64 漫画彩绘套装 3 来表达您对经典漫画系列《头文字 D》的热爱。该套装包含五辆精美的收藏车辆,必定是任何收藏的完美补充。使用京商的这款精美套装,以微缩形式体验漫画系列的刺激。”

    原价 $4,047.00 - 原价 $4,047.00
    原价 $4,047.00
    $5,988.00 - $5,988.00
    现价 $5,988.00
  • 原价 $1,837.00
    原价 $1,837.00 - 原价 $1,837.00
    原价 $1,837.00
    现价 $1,339.00
    $1,339.00 - $1,339.00
    现价 $1,339.00

    Megahouse Gem 系列 Tenohira Lloyd Figure Spy x Family 100 毫米 PVC 涂漆饰面


    用 Megahouse Gem 系列 Tenohira Lloyd 玩偶来满足你的粉丝欲望。这款 100 毫米 PVC 彩绘玩偶的灵感来自 Spy x Family,为你的收藏增添了活力元素。爱好者的必备之物!

    原价 $1,837.00
    原价 $1,837.00 - 原价 $1,837.00
    原价 $1,837.00
    现价 $1,339.00
    $1,339.00 - $1,339.00
    现价 $1,339.00
    节省27% 节省%
  • 原价 $1,683.00
    原价 $1,683.00 - 原价 $1,683.00
    原价 $1,683.00
    现价 $1,557.00
    $1,557.00 - $1,557.00
    现价 $1,557.00

    Bandai Spirits 星球大战欧比旺·克诺比 150 毫米可动彩绘 PVC ABS 人偶

    Bandai Spirits

    “这款欧比旺克诺比 Bandai Spirits 星球大战人物模型能让您感受到绝地大师的魅力。这款 150 毫米模型采用耐用的 PVC ABS 材料制成,具有动态、可移动的设计,适合互动游戏。”

    原价 $1,683.00
    原价 $1,683.00 - 原价 $1,683.00
    原价 $1,683.00
    现价 $1,557.00
    $1,557.00 - $1,557.00
    现价 $1,557.00
    节省7% 节省%
  • 原价 $2,705.00 - 原价 $2,705.00
    原价 $2,705.00
    $3,309.00 - $3,309.00
    现价 $3,309.00

    Bandai Spirits 星球大战达斯维达模型约 170 毫米 已上色且可移动

    Bandai Spirits

    “体验 Bandai Spirits 星球大战达斯维达人物的黑暗面。这款 170 毫米的人物模型经过彩绘,可移动,让这个标志性的反派栩栩如生,为任何收藏品增添了银河系的气息。”

    原价 $2,705.00 - 原价 $2,705.00
    原价 $2,705.00
    $3,309.00 - $3,309.00
    现价 $3,309.00
  • 原价 $1,655.00 - 原价 $1,655.00
    原价 $1,655.00
    $3,599.00 - $3,599.00
    现价 $3,599.00

    Good Smile Company 黏土人地牢餐 Chill Chuck 可动人偶 无比例 彩绘塑料

    Good Smile Company

    “与 Good Smile Company 的 Chill Chuck Nendoroid 一起沉浸在奇妙的旅程中!这款来自 Dungeon Meal 系列的可移动、非比例、彩绘塑料人物模型是所有动作人物模型爱好者的必备品。”

    原价 $1,655.00 - 原价 $1,655.00
    原价 $1,655.00
    $3,599.00 - $3,599.00
    现价 $3,599.00
  • 原价 $1,655.00 - 原价 $1,655.00
    原价 $1,655.00
    $3,321.00 - $3,321.00
    现价 $3,321.00

    Good Smile Company 黏土人 Raios 可动人偶 来自 Dungeon Rice 无比例彩绘塑料

    Good Smile Company

    “沉浸在 Good Smile Company 的 Dungeon Rice 的 Nendoroid Raios 动作人物的幻想中。这款作品无比例、全彩绘、可动性极佳,为任何收藏品增添了独特的色彩。”

    原价 $1,655.00 - 原价 $1,655.00
    原价 $1,655.00
    $3,321.00 - $3,321.00
    现价 $3,321.00
  • 原价 $1,778.00 - 原价 $1,778.00
    原价 $1,778.00
    $1,871.00 - $1,871.00
    现价 $1,871.00

    Good Smile Company 粘土人 Hi Fi Rush 808 可动模型 无比例 塑料喷漆

    Good Smile Company

    “使用 Good Smile Company Nendoroid Hi Fi Rush 808 可移动玩偶沉浸在动漫世界中!这款非比例、精美涂漆的塑料玩偶将丰富您的收藏,提供无尽的乐趣和非凡的细节。”

    原价 $1,778.00 - 原价 $1,778.00
    原价 $1,778.00
    $1,871.00 - $1,871.00
    现价 $1,871.00
  • 原价 $1,465.00 - 原价 $1,465.00
    原价 $1,465.00
    $3,172.00 - $3,172.00
    现价 $3,172.00

    Hasegawa 1/12 比例 Noriyoshi Beauties No.1 未涂装树脂套件 SP590


    使用 Hasegawa 1/12 比例 Noriyoshi Beauties No.1 树脂套件 SP590 释放您的创造力,该套件专为乐趣和精确而设计。这款未上漆的套件为模型爱好者提供身临其境的体验,培养技能和艺术性。非常适合业余爱好者!

    原价 $1,465.00 - 原价 $1,465.00
    原价 $1,465.00
    $3,172.00 - $3,172.00
    现价 $3,172.00
  • 原价 $10,357.00 - 原价 $10,357.00
    原价 $10,357.00
    $16,409.00 - $16,409.00
    现价 $16,409.00

    Max Factory 街头霸王系列春丽模型 1/6 比例塑料喷漆完成

    Max Factory

    体验 1/6 比例 Max Factory 春丽人偶带来的经典街头霸王系列的刺激。这款塑料人偶经过专业涂装和精细雕刻,让您最喜欢的角色栩栩如生。游戏爱好者的必备之选!

    原价 $10,357.00 - 原价 $10,357.00
    原价 $10,357.00
    $16,409.00 - $16,409.00
    现价 $16,409.00

Discover Premium Japanese Art Supplies: Elevate Your Creativity

For artists, quality supplies can make all the difference in bringing creativity to life. Japanese art supplies are highly regarded worldwide for their precision, durability, and unique design. At Kiichin, we offer an extensive collection of authentic Japanese art supplies that enhance the art-making experience for beginners and professionals alike. Our carefully curated products emphasize innovation, quality, and tradition—perfect for any art enthusiast looking to elevate their craft.

Why Choose Japanese Art Supplies?

Japanese art supplies are distinct in their thoughtful design, superior craftsmanship, and emphasis on user experience. Many well-loved brands from Japan have set the standard for excellence in the art world, offering products that deliver both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Here are a few reasons why Japanese art supplies are a must-have:
  • High-Quality Materials: Japanese art supplies are crafted from premium materials that enhance performance and longevity.

  • Innovative Design: With a focus on user-friendliness, Japanese products often feature unique designs that improve comfort and ease of use.

  • Versatility: From watercolor brushes to fine pens, Japanese art supplies are versatile, catering to various art styles and techniques.

  • Attention to Detail: Every product is crafted with precision, allowing artists to create with greater control and accuracy.

Explore the Japanese Art Supplies Collection at Kiichin

Our collection at Kiichin includes a wide array of Japanese art supplies for every artist’s needs. Here’s a closer look at some popular items you’ll find in our collection:

Japanese Brushes and Brush Pens

Japanese brushes are renowned for their craftsmanship, traditionally made with natural bristles for smooth, controlled strokes.
  • Watercolor Brushes: Soft and flexible, Japanese watercolor brushes are perfect for creating gradients, washes, and delicate details.

  • Brush Pens: Japanese brush pens offer the control of a pen with the fluidity of a brush. Ideal for calligraphy, sketching, and linework, they bring versatility to any artist’s toolkit.

Tombow Dual Brush Pen Set 108 Color

Buy it: Tombow Dual Brush Pen Set 108 Color

Fine Writing and Sketching Pens

Japan is famous for its high-quality pens that combine elegance with functionality.
  • Fineliners: Japanese fineliners are designed for detailed work, making them perfect for line drawings, illustrations, and intricate designs.

  • Gel and Ballpoint Pens: Known for their smooth flow and precision, Japanese gel and ballpoint pens are excellent for sketching and writing, with vivid inks that stand out.

  • Fountain Pens: Japanese fountain pens are prized for their craftsmanship, with many featuring refillable ink cartridges and nibs crafted for smooth, consistent writing.

Tombow Zoom 707 De Luxe Mechanical Pencil 0.5mm for Precision Sketching

Try it: Tombow Zoom 707 De Luxe Mechanical Pencil 0.5mm for Precision Sketching

Japanese Ink and Calligraphy Supplies

Japan has a long history of calligraphy, and its ink products reflect centuries of expertise.
  • Ink Sticks and Blocks: Traditional Japanese ink sticks provide rich, deep color, perfect for creating expressive brush strokes in calligraphy or painting.

  • Ink Pads and Bottles: Ideal for modern calligraphy and stamping, Japanese ink pads and bottles offer a range of shades that enhance any project.

Pilot Blue Black Fountain Pen Ink

Add to bag: Pilot Blue Black Fountain Pen Ink

High-Quality Japanese Papers

From washi paper to sketch pads, Japanese papers are a staple for artists seeking texture, durability, and quality.
  • Washi Paper: Japanese washi paper is handmade from natural fibers, providing a beautiful texture that’s perfect for watercolor, ink, and calligraphy.

  • Sketch Pads and Journals: Japanese sketch pads are known for their smooth, high-quality paper, suitable for pencils, markers, and paints.

Drawing Tools and Accessories

Complement your main supplies with essential drawing tools and accessories that enhance your creative process.
  • Erasers and Sharpeners: Japanese erasers are soft and effective, removing marks cleanly without damaging the paper, while high-quality sharpeners provide consistent precision.

  • Rulers and Templates: For precise lines and measurements, Japanese rulers and templates are crafted for reliability, ideal for both technical and artistic work.

  • Portable Cases: Many Japanese brands offer stylish and practical cases for storing and organizing art supplies, ensuring tools are always accessible.

Benefits of Using Japanese Art Supplies

  • Enhanced Creativity: Quality tools allow artists to express their ideas more freely, with materials that respond well to different techniques.

  • Consistent Quality: Japanese art supplies are designed to deliver consistent performance, providing reliable results with each use.

  • Unique Artistic Experience: Traditional Japanese materials, like washi paper and sumi ink, add an element of cultural richness and authenticity to the creative process.

  • Greater Precision and Control: Tools like fine-tip pens and soft-bristled brushes allow for detailed work, making them ideal for professional art or detailed illustrations.

Tips for Choosing the Right Japanese Art Supplies

  • Define Your Art Style: Whether you’re into watercolor, calligraphy, or sketching, choose supplies that support your specific art form.

  • Consider Quality and Durability: Japanese art supplies are made to last, so investing in quality items can be a worthwhile decision.

  • Experiment with Traditional Supplies: Japanese ink, paper, and brushes offer a unique creative experience. Try traditional materials for a new perspective on your art.

At Kiichin, we are passionate about offering authentic Japanese products that inspire creativity. Our art supplies are curated for their quality, functionality, and traditional appeal, catering to both beginners and professional artists. Shopping with us means gaining access to premium Japanese products that elevate your artistic expression, backed by our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Start Creating with Kiichin’s Japanese Art Supplies

Whether you’re exploring a new medium or enhancing your current collection, Kiichin has the Japanese art supplies you need to bring your artistic visions to life. Discover our collection and let the beauty and quality of Japanese craftsmanship inspire your next masterpiece.