




  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $438.00 - $438.00
    现价 $438.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 60G UV 效果夹具


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 鱼钩可以钓到更多鱼。该鱼钩重 60 克,其紫外线效果可在各种水况下吸引鱼。这款鱼钩非常适合初学者和专业人士,可确保高效而愉快的钓鱼体验。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $438.00 - $438.00
    现价 $438.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $225.00 - $225.00
    现价 $225.00

    Gamakatsu G-Hv2 Sakuragen 定制钩 Power Play 68806 L 尺寸


    Gamakatsu G-Hv2 Sakuragen Custom Hook Power Play 68806 L Size 是垂钓者的最佳选择,它具有出色的耐用性和锋利度,可让您更成功地钓鱼。它专为专业性能而设计,是严肃钓鱼爱好者的必备品。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $225.00 - $225.00
    现价 $225.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $159.00 - $159.00
    现价 $159.00

    Gamakatsu Tairaba Sakuragen 硅胶领带 短卷发 橙色 银色 #3 3 件


    Gamakatsu Tairaba Sakuragen 硅胶绑带采用鲜艳的短卷橙色和银色,可确保高吸引力。这款 3 件套非常适合引诱各种鱼类,可确保在所有钓鱼条件下保持一致的性能和耐用性。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $159.00 - $159.00
    现价 $159.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $196.00 - $196.00
    现价 $196.00

    Gamakatsu G-Hv2 Sakuragen Custom Hook Power Play 尺寸 S


    使用 Gamakatsu G-Hv2 Sakuragen 定制鱼钩(S 号)提升您的钓鱼技巧。这款鱼钩非常适合追求精准的垂钓者,它具有无与伦比的强度和锋利度,确保您不会错过任何收获。无论是淡水还是咸水钓鱼,这款鱼钩都是理想之选。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $196.00 - $196.00
    现价 $196.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $146.00 - $146.00
    现价 $146.00

    Gamakatsu 旋转 Sakuragen Tairaba 定制款 4 件套


    使用 Gamakatsu Swivel Sakuragen Tairaba Custom 提升您的钓鱼体验。这款 4 件装产品提供耐用的转环,可实现流畅的诱饵运动和最小的线扭曲,确保最佳性能。非常适合追求质量和可靠性的垂钓者。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $146.00 - $146.00
    现价 $146.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $468.00 - $468.00
    现价 $468.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶 Q2 120G - 欢迎橙色 Ogn019#14


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 120G Welcome Orange(型号 Ogn019#14)钓到更多鱼。专为顶级性能而设计,其鲜艳的颜色和优质材料可吸引各种鱼类。非常适合寻求可靠和有效渔具的严肃垂钓者。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $468.00 - $468.00
    现价 $468.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,820.00 - $1,820.00
    现价 $1,820.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉子 220G 粉色 发光点


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶坠子(220G,粉色发光点)可捕获更多鱼。这些耐用的坠子非常适合深海捕鱼,可确保稳定的诱饵位置和高可见度,从而提高成功捕鱼的几率。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,820.00 - $1,820.00
    现价 $1,820.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $682.00 - $682.00
    现价 $682.00

    Gamakatsu Tai 橡胶 40G 亮橙色斑点钩 尺寸 17


    使用 Gamakatsu Tai Rubber 40G 发光橙色斑点钩 17 号,提升您的钓鱼技巧。这款诱饵非常适合钓 Tai,具有发光橙色斑点,可实现高可见度,并配有 17 号优质钩,可确保提高捕获率。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $682.00 - $682.00
    现价 $682.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $435.00 - $435.00
    现价 $435.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶 Q2 沉降片 120G 青柠色图表 #23


    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 铅坠 120G 青柠色 #23 非常适合捕捞凶猛的鱼类,重量可靠,颜色鲜艳,适合深海捕鱼。使用这款耐用且有效的钓鱼铅坠可提高您的捕捞率。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $435.00 - $435.00
    现价 $435.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,820.00 - $1,820.00
    现价 $1,820.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉降片 220G #12 哑光青柠色


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉子 220G 捕获更多鱼。这款 #12 沉子采用醒目的哑光石灰绿设计,确保出色的水下可见性和性能,非常适合增强您的钓鱼冒险体验。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,820.00 - $1,820.00
    现价 $1,820.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $667.00 - $667.00
    现价 $667.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶 Q Tg 沉降片 40G 瓦伦西亚 大量现货


    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q Tg Sinker 40G Valencia Big Spot 非常适合以鲷鱼为目标的垂钓者,可提高您的垂钓准确性。它旨在模仿猎物,拥有精确的重量和鲜艳的颜色,可最大程度地吸引猎物。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $667.00 - $667.00
    现价 $667.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $364.00 - $364.00
    现价 $364.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶 Q2 铅坠 45G 双红钩 #21


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 Sinker 45G 可捕获更多鱼。其特点包括双红钩,可确保牢固抓握,耐用的 45 克铅坠可实现最佳深水性能。非常适合严肃的垂钓者。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $364.00 - $364.00
    现价 $364.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶 Q2 45G Appeal Orange 沉降片 #22


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 45G(魅力橙色)提升您的钓鱼技巧。这款坠子非常适合钓鲷鱼,可提供精准度和增强的诱饵展示效果。可靠、耐用,是经验丰富的垂钓者的理想之选。自信地钓到更多鱼。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00

    Gamakatsu 45G Tai 橡胶沉降片 亮橙色 - Sakuragen Q2 #24


    使用 Gamakatsu 45G Tai 橡胶铅坠(发光橙色)可捕获更多鱼类。这款创新铅坠专为 Sakuragen Q2 #24 设计,可在弱光条件下提供增强的可见度和卓越的性能。非常适合捕捉各种鱼类。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉降器 45G 青柠色图表 #23


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉子来提升您的钓鱼技巧。这款诱饵重量为 45 克,采用 Lime Chart #23 号,确保水下可见性和吸引力,非常适合轻松准确地捕捉各种鱼类。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $391.00 - $391.00
    现价 $391.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉降器 80G 青柠色图表 #23


    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶铅坠 80G(青柠色图表 #23)非常适合狂热的垂钓者,可提供卓越的精度和鲜明的可视性。这款铅坠非常适合提高您的垂钓技巧,可确保出色的性能和耐用性。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $391.00 - $391.00
    现价 $391.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,413.00 - $1,413.00
    现价 $1,413.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q Tg Sinker 160G 辉光橙 现货


    准备好使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q Tg 铅坠来提升您的钓鱼体验吧。这款 160G 铅坠具有亮橙色斑点,非常适合在各种水况下吸引鱼类。耐用可靠,是严肃垂钓者的理想选择。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,413.00 - $1,413.00
    现价 $1,413.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉子 绿金辉光 45G


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 绿金发光橡胶沉子提升您的钓鱼技巧。这款设计精美的钓具重 45 克,可增强水下可见度,提高您的捕获率,并为任何钓鱼爱好者提供持久的性能。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $351.00 - $351.00
    现价 $351.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,418.00 - $1,418.00
    现价 $1,418.00

    Gamakatsu Tai 橡胶沉降器 220G 蓝点红鲷鱼 #18


    使用 Gamakatsu Tai 橡胶沉子 220G 提升您的钓鱼体验。专为红鲷设计,其蓝点红色增强了吸引力。非常适合追求精准和有效性的经验丰富的钓鱼者。包括型号 #18。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,418.00 - $1,418.00
    现价 $1,418.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $398.00 - $398.00
    现价 $398.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Qii 220G 尺寸 12 华丽黑色钩


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Qii 钓大鱼,该钓钩重量为 220 克,钩号为 12。这款华丽的黑色钩子设计用于实现最大强度和最佳诱饵展示,确保钓鱼冒险取得成功。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $398.00 - $398.00
    现价 $398.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $398.00 - $398.00
    现价 $398.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡膠 Qii 220G 圖表攻擊 #15


    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Qii 220G Chart Attack #15 经过精心设计,性能卓越,具有无与伦比的耐用性和准确性。非常适合深海捕鱼,可确保最佳捕获率。专业人士强烈推荐。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $398.00 - $398.00
    现价 $398.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $398.00 - $398.00
    现价 $398.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶 220G 强力绿色 #17 鱼钩


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber 220G Power Green 鱼钩,体验精准度和力量。这款鱼钩是业余和专业钓鱼者的理想选择,为您的钓鱼冒险提供可靠的强度和锋利度。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $398.00 - $398.00
    现价 $398.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $240.00 - $240.00
    现价 $240.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Custom Tune 钩套装唇钩 Bl Ogn022 SS


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Custom Tune 鱼钩套装,让您的钓鱼技巧更上一层楼。唇钩采用精密设计,提供卓越的捕获性能和耐用性。采用优质不锈钢制成,经久耐用。非常适合严肃的垂钓者。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $240.00 - $240.00
    现价 $240.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,650.00 - $1,650.00
    现价 $1,650.00

    Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶沉降片 220G 瓦伦西亚 大号现货 #19


    使用 Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai 橡胶铅坠 220G 瓦伦西亚大鱼饵 #19 钓上您的奖杯鱼。这款高品质铅坠专为精准和力量而设计,可确保在任何钓鱼条件下发挥最佳性能,让每一次抛竿都物有所值。

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,650.00 - $1,650.00
    现价 $1,650.00

Discover the Premium Quality of Gamakatsu Fishing Gear

Gamakatsu has earned its reputation as a leading brand in fishing gear, known for its high-quality hooks, lures, and accessories designed for serious anglers. At Kiichin, we are proud to offer an extensive selection of Gamakatsu products that cater to both beginners and experienced fishermen. With their innovative designs and commitment to quality, Gamakatsu products make every fishing trip more successful and enjoyable.

The Gamakatsu Difference: Precision and Durability

Gamakatsu hooks and fishing gear are crafted with precision, using cutting-edge technology and the finest materials to ensure strength and reliability. Whether you're fishing in saltwater or freshwater, Gamakatsu products are designed to withstand various conditions, giving you the confidence to reel in big catches. Their sharp hooks, crafted from high-carbon steel, make for easier penetration and more secure holds, setting Gamakatsu apart as a trusted choice for anglers.

Explore Popular Gamakatsu Products

At Kiichin, we offer a wide range of Gamakatsu products to meet diverse fishing needs. Here are some of our top selections:

Gamakatsu Fishing Hooks

Gamakatsu is particularly famous for its hooks, which come in various sizes and types to suit different fishing techniques. Whether you need single hooks for freshwater fishing or specialized jigging hooks for saltwater adventures, Gamakatsu hooks deliver outstanding performance.

Gamakatsu G-Hv2 Sakuragen Custom Hook Power Play 68806 L Size

Buy now: Gamakatsu G-Hv2 Sakuragen Custom Hook Power Play 68806 L Size

Gamakatsu Lures

Our selection of Gamakatsu lures is crafted to attract a variety of fish species, increasing your chances of a successful catch. These lures are designed to mimic natural prey and move realistically through the water, making them highly effective in all kinds of fishing environments.

Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Sinker

Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Sinker is the perfect choice for anglers targeting tai (sea bream) and other bottom-feeding fish. Designed with precision, this 120-gram sinker in a vibrant lime chart color is crafted to attract fish effectively, enhancing visibility in deeper waters. Known for its durability and high-quality material, this sinker ensures smooth and stable descent, making it ideal for experienced fishers looking to improve their catch rate.

Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 Sinker 120G Lime Chart #23

Available at Kiichin, this Gamakatsu Sakuragen Tai Rubber Q2 Sinker 120G Lime Chart #23 is a must-have for your fishing gear collection.

Gamakatsu Accessories

In addition to hooks and lures, Gamakatsu also offers a variety of fishing accessories. From reliable line keepers to premium leaders, these accessories are made to enhance your fishing experience and help you stay organized on the water.

Key Benefits of Choosing Gamakatsu Products

  • Unmatched Quality: Gamakatsu products are known for their exceptional durability and high performance.

  • Versatility: With a wide range of products, Gamakatsu suits all types of fishing styles and environments.

  • Innovative Design: Every Gamakatsu item is engineered for effectiveness, making fishing easier and more rewarding.

Why Shop Gamakatsu at Kiichin ?

At Kiichin, we carefully select only the best products for our customers. With Gamakatsu, you’re guaranteed high-quality fishing gear that enhances your fishing trips and provides reliable results. Our easy-to-navigate website and dedicated customer service make shopping for your fishing needs convenient and enjoyable.


Whether you’re planning a weekend fishing trip or gearing up for a big fishing competition, trust Gamakatsu to deliver the quality and performance you need. Browse Kiichin’s collection of Gamakatsu fishing gear today and discover the difference that high-quality fishing equipment can make!