



  • 原价 $632.00 - 原价 $632.00
    原价 $632.00
    $987.00 - $987.00
    现价 $987.00

    Pilot 2+1 Ridge Pearl Mint 多功能超细 0.5 毫米书写工具


    使用 Pilot 2+1 Ridge Pearl Mint 多功能书写工具,探索无限创意。这款时尚工​​具提供 0.5 毫米的超精细精度,以无与伦比的清晰度和令人难以置信的轻松度提升您的书写体验。

    原价 $632.00 - 原价 $632.00
    原价 $632.00
    $987.00 - $987.00
    现价 $987.00
  • 原价 $178.00 - 原价 $178.00
    原价 $178.00
    $206.00 - $206.00
    现价 $206.00

    Pilot Neox Graphite 0.5 2B 自动铅笔芯 3 件套


    使用 Pilot Neox Graphite 0.5 2B 自动铅笔芯(3 件套),体验流畅、不间断的书写体验。高密度铅笔芯可确保精准度,专为保持一致的深色度而设计。

    原价 $178.00 - 原价 $178.00
    原价 $178.00
    $206.00 - $206.00
    现价 $206.00
  • 原价 $575.00 - 原价 $575.00
    原价 $575.00
    $630.00 - $630.00
    现价 $630.00

    Pilot Cocoon 银色自动铅笔 Hco-150R-S Pilot 品牌


    使用 Pilot Cocoon Silver 自动铅笔 Hco-150R-S 体验无缝和高精度的书写体验。它坚固耐用,设计时尚,使用舒适,是艺术家、学生和专业人士的理想选择。

    原价 $575.00 - 原价 $575.00
    原价 $575.00
    $630.00 - $630.00
    现价 $630.00
  • 原价 $518.00 - 原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00
    $641.00 - $641.00
    现价 $641.00

    Pilot Cocoon BCO-150R-S 银色圆珠笔(Pilot 品牌)


    Pilot Cocoon BCO-150R-S 银色圆珠笔带给您经典优雅和无与伦比的书写精度。其时尚的设计和流畅的性能使其成为专业人士的首选。

    原价 $518.00 - 原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00
    $641.00 - $641.00
    现价 $641.00
  • 原价 $775.00 - 原价 $775.00
    原价 $775.00
    $986.00 - $986.00
    现价 $986.00

    Pilot 2+1 Legno Mahogany 多功能书写工具 Bthl-3Sk-Ma


    使用 Pilot 2+1 Legno Mahogany 书写工具体验纯粹的书写奢华。其多功能设计结合了流畅的墨水流动和时尚的桃花心木饰面,提升您写下的每一条笔记。非常适合专业和个人使用。

    原价 $775.00 - 原价 $775.00
    原价 $775.00
    $986.00 - $986.00
    现价 $986.00
  • 原价 $518.00 - 原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00
    $629.00 - $629.00
    现价 $629.00

    Pilot BCO-150R-MGY Cocoon 圆珠笔金属灰色


    体验 Pilot BCO-150R-MGY Cocoon 金属灰色圆珠笔的流畅书写体验。这款笔设计时尚,易于握持,兼具时尚感和实用性,非常适合日常使用。

    原价 $518.00 - 原价 $518.00
    原价 $518.00
    $629.00 - $629.00
    现价 $629.00
  • 原价 $1,536.00 - 原价 $1,536.00
    原价 $1,536.00
    $1,945.00 - $1,945.00
    现价 $1,945.00

    Pilot Custom 74 凝胶墨水圆珠笔(优雅黑色)- Lkk-7Sr-B


    使用 Pilot Custom 74 中性墨水圆珠笔(优雅黑色)体验流畅、轻松的书写体验。卓越的精度和鲜艳的墨水使其成为专业人士和创意人士的必备之选。立即升级您的书写体验。

    原价 $1,536.00 - 原价 $1,536.00
    原价 $1,536.00
    $1,945.00 - $1,945.00
    现价 $1,945.00
  • 原价 $323.00 - 原价 $323.00
    原价 $323.00
    $382.00 - $382.00
    现价 $382.00

    Pilot Doctor Grip 4+1 多功能笔 4 种颜色 + 0.3mm Sharp 淡薰衣草色


    使用 Pilot Doctor Grip 4+1 多功能笔,体验流畅的书写体验。这款笔具有四种鲜艳的颜色和 0.3 毫米的淡紫色尖头,设计时尚,舒适且精确。

    原价 $323.00 - 原价 $323.00
    原价 $323.00
    $382.00 - $382.00
    现价 $382.00
  • 原价 $563.00
    原价 $563.00 - 原价 $563.00
    原价 $563.00
    现价 $535.00
    $535.00 - $535.00
    现价 $535.00

    Pilot Acro Drive 粉红金 0.7 毫米 - 旋转进给 30 克 机身尺寸 134X10.9 毫米


    使用 Pilot Acro Drive 粉红金笔释放您的创造力,该笔具有 0.7 毫米笔尖和创新的旋转送笔机制。重量为 30 克,笔身尺寸为 134X10.9 毫米,可提供流畅舒适的书写体验。非常适合追求风格和功能的人。

    原价 $563.00
    原价 $563.00 - 原价 $563.00
    原价 $563.00
    现价 $535.00
    $535.00 - $535.00
    现价 $535.00
    节省5% 节省%
  • 原价 $185.00
    原价 $185.00 - 原价 $185.00
    原价 $185.00
    现价 $161.00
    $161.00 - $161.00
    现价 $161.00

    Pilot Blue 圆珠笔替换芯 0.7 毫米 摩擦球敲击区 2 支


    “使用 Pilot Blue 圆珠笔替换芯 0.7mm,体验流畅的书写体验。这款 2 件套专为 Friction Ball Knock Zone 笔设计,可确保墨水不间断流动,提供清晰明快的文字。日常使用的绝佳选择。”

    原价 $185.00
    原价 $185.00 - 原价 $185.00
    原价 $185.00
    现价 $161.00
    $161.00 - $161.00
    现价 $161.00
    节省13% 节省%
  • 原价 $685.00 - 原价 $685.00
    原价 $685.00
    $762.00 - $762.00
    现价 $762.00

    Pilot Regno 深棕色油性圆珠笔 BLE-250K-DBN


    使用 Pilot Regno 深棕色油性圆珠笔,体验流畅的书写体验。其可靠的油性墨水确保每次都能干净、完美地书写,非常适合专业人士和艺术家。

    原价 $685.00 - 原价 $685.00
    原价 $685.00
    $762.00 - $762.00
    现价 $762.00
  • 原价 $144.00 - 原价 $144.00
    原价 $144.00
    $156.00 - $156.00
    现价 $156.00

    Pilot Acroball 3 珍珠绿 3 色 0.3 毫米圆珠笔 - Bkab40Mfpg


    使用 Pilot Acroball 3 Pearl Green 圆珠笔,体验流畅的书写体验。这款笔的笔尖直径为 0.3 毫米,可精确书写线条,一支笔可提供三种鲜艳的墨水颜色。非常适合工作或学习。

    原价 $144.00 - 原价 $144.00
    原价 $144.00
    $156.00 - $156.00
    现价 $156.00
  • 原价 $1,194.00 - 原价 $1,194.00
    原价 $1,194.00
    $1,228.00 - $1,228.00
    现价 $1,228.00

    Pilot 钛灰色时间轴未来圆珠笔 BTL-5SR-TGY 型号


    使用时尚的 Pilot Titanium Gray Timeline Future 圆珠笔 BTL-5SR-TGY 型号提升您的书写体验。其耐用性、精确度和未来主义设计使其成为专业人士和创意人士的必备之选。

    原价 $1,194.00 - 原价 $1,194.00
    原价 $1,194.00
    $1,228.00 - $1,228.00
    现价 $1,228.00
  • 原价 $855.00
    原价 $855.00 - 原价 $855.00
    原价 $855.00
    现价 $836.00
    $836.00 - $836.00
    现价 $836.00

    Pilot Delful Double Knock 0.5mm 自动铅笔 蓝色 & 非彩色 HDF-50R-NCL


    选择 Pilot Delful 双击 0.5 毫米蓝色自动铅笔,书写流畅、精准。其独特的双击功能可确保长久耐用。您文具收藏中价格实惠的奢侈品。

    原价 $855.00
    原价 $855.00 - 原价 $855.00
    原价 $855.00
    现价 $836.00
    $836.00 - $836.00
    现价 $836.00
    节省2% 节省%
  • 原价 $186.00 - 原价 $186.00
    原价 $186.00
    $372.00 - $372.00
    现价 $372.00

    Pilot Twin Marker 细/超细黑色油性笔套装 5 支


    Pilot 5 件套黑色油性笔套装带给您双笔尖的精准体验。该套装拥有细/超细笔尖,可完美描绘细节,是您实现完美书法和艺术造诣的关键。

    原价 $186.00 - 原价 $186.00
    原价 $186.00
    $372.00 - $372.00
    现价 $372.00
  • 原价 $240.00 - 原价 $240.00
    原价 $240.00
    $265.00 - $265.00
    现价 $265.00

    Pilot Dr Grip Ace 0.3 青柠绿渐变自动铅笔 Hdgac-80R3


    使用 Pilot Dr Grip Ace 0.3 Lime Green Gradient 自动铅笔 Hdgac-80R3 优化您的精确书写。它具有鲜明的设计和流畅的功能,可为您带来友好的用户体验。

    原价 $240.00 - 原价 $240.00
    原价 $240.00
    $265.00 - $265.00
    现价 $265.00
  • 原价 $543.00 - 原价 $543.00
    原价 $543.00
    $638.00 - $638.00
    现价 $638.00

    Pilot Cocoon 蓝色圆珠笔 P-Bco-150R-L 泡罩包装


    Pilot Cocoon Blue 圆珠笔 P-Bco-150R-L 配备安全泡罩包装,让您体验流畅、精准的书写体验。专为舒适和可靠而设计,是您日常的完美伴侣。

    原价 $543.00 - 原价 $543.00
    原价 $543.00
    $638.00 - $638.00
    现价 $638.00
  • 原价 $372.00 - 原价 $372.00
    原价 $372.00
    $372.00 - $372.00
    现价 $372.00

    Pilot Miyabi BM-2SR 富士秋叶图案圆珠笔


    “使用 Pilot Miyabi BM-2SR 圆珠笔,尽情享受轻松书写的乐趣。它采用迷人的富士秋叶设计,兼具功能性和时尚感。您完美的书写伴侣!”

    原价 $372.00 - 原价 $372.00
    原价 $372.00
    $372.00 - $372.00
    现价 $372.00
  • 原价 $246.00 - 原价 $246.00
    原价 $246.00
    $275.00 - $275.00
    现价 $275.00

    Pilot Dr Grip Ace 0.3 自动铅笔 绿松石蓝渐变色 - HDGAC-80R


    使用 Pilot Dr Grip Ace 0.3 绿松石蓝渐变色自动铅笔,体验精准度。这款时尚的书写工具握感舒适,适合长时间使用,非常适合详细绘图或长篇笔记。使用 HDGAC-80R 流畅书写!

    原价 $246.00 - 原价 $246.00
    原价 $246.00
    $275.00 - $275.00
    现价 $275.00
  • 原价 $171.00 - 原价 $171.00
    原价 $171.00
    $185.00 - $185.00
    现价 $185.00

    Pilot Acroball 3+1 超细 0.5 毫米油性圆珠笔带自动铅笔薄荷绿


    使用 Pilot Acroball 3+1 Mint Green 笔体验流畅、无跳跃的书写体验。它将 0.5 毫米油性墨水圆珠笔与自动铅笔相结合。精确且方便的理想之选。

    原价 $171.00 - 原价 $171.00
    原价 $171.00
    $185.00 - $185.00
    现价 $185.00
  • 原价 $515.00 - 原价 $515.00
    原价 $515.00
    $888.00 - $888.00
    现价 $888.00

    Pilot Frixion Ball Biz 黑色 - 高品质流畅书写 Pilot 钢笔


    使用 Pilot Frixion Ball Biz 黑色笔体验卓越的书写体验。采用先进的可擦除墨水技术和流畅的笔设计,可实现清晰、高质量的书写。非常适合办公室、家庭或学校使用。

    原价 $515.00 - 原价 $515.00
    原价 $515.00
    $888.00 - $888.00
    现价 $888.00
  • 原价 $144.00
    原价 $144.00 - 原价 $144.00
    原价 $144.00
    现价 $133.00
    $133.00 - $133.00
    现价 $133.00

    Pilot Acroball 3 0.3 珍珠白三色圆珠笔 - Bkab40Mfpw


    体验 Pilot Acroball 3 的多功能性,这是一款 0.3 珍珠白笔,非常适合多用途使用!享受三种鲜艳的颜色,一个时尚的设计。这是您指尖上的圆珠笔光彩!

    原价 $144.00
    原价 $144.00 - 原价 $144.00
    原价 $144.00
    现价 $133.00
    $133.00 - $133.00
    现价 $133.00
    节省8% 节省%
  • 原价 $714.00 - 原价 $714.00
    原价 $714.00
    $770.00 - $770.00
    现价 $770.00

    Pilot Regno 黑色 2+1 多功能书写工具 BTHL-3SK-B


    Pilot Regno Black 2+1 多功能书写工具让您体验三者合一的强大功能。它采用时尚的黑色设计,结合了两支钢笔和一支自动铅笔,可满足多种书写需求。

    原价 $714.00 - 原价 $714.00
    原价 $714.00
    $770.00 - $770.00
    现价 $770.00
  • 原价 $199.00
    原价 $199.00 - 原价 $199.00
    原价 $199.00
    现价 $168.00
    $168.00 - $168.00
    现价 $168.00

    Pilot 0.7 红色圆珠笔替换芯 摩擦球敲击区 2 件


    “可靠而流畅的 Pilot 0.7 红色圆珠笔替换芯可让您的书写体验更加顺畅。这款两支装替换芯非常适合 Pilot Friction Ball Knock Zone,可确保长久使用。更换更少,书写更多!”

    原价 $199.00
    原价 $199.00 - 原价 $199.00
    原价 $199.00
    现价 $168.00
    $168.00 - $168.00
    现价 $168.00
    节省16% 节省%

Explore Pilot Stationery at Kiichin: Quality Japanese Writing Tools for Every Purpose

Pilot stationery is celebrated globally for its innovative designs, high-quality craftsmanship, and reliability in both personal and professional use. At Kiichin, our Pilot collection brings together some of the best tools for writing, drawing, and creating—from the iconic Pilot G2 gel pens to the precision-focused Pilot Hi-Tec-C series. This selection caters to everyone, from students to artists, and provides a unique writing experience that only Japanese stationery can offer.

Why Choose Pilot Stationery?

Pilot has a rich history of creating some of the most popular and beloved writing instruments on the market, offering products that combine practicality with sleek, ergonomic designs. Here’s why Pilot stationery is a top choice:
  • Smooth and Consistent Ink Flow: Pilot pens are known for their high-quality ink, which glides across the page for a comfortable and satisfying writing experience.

  • Wide Variety of Writing Instruments: From gel and ballpoint pens to fountain pens and mechanical pencils, Pilot offers versatile options for different writing styles.

  • Eco-Friendly Options: Pilot is committed to sustainability, offering refillable pens and eco-friendly products that minimize waste.

  • Innovative Designs: Pilot consistently incorporates advanced technology into its products, ensuring a superior experience in every line.

Discover Popular Pilot Products at Kiichin

Our Pilot stationery collection at Kiichin includes a curated selection of the most popular and reliable Pilot pens and pencils. Here’s a look at some highlights:

Pilot G2 Gel Pens

The Pilot G2 Gel Pen is one of Pilot’s most iconic products, offering a smooth writing experience with long-lasting, fade-resistant gel ink. Available in a variety of colors, it’s perfect for note-taking, journaling, or any task that requires precision.

Pilot G2 Pro Retractable Gel Ink Roller Ball Pen

Add to cart: Pilot G2 Pro Retractable Gel Ink Roller Ball Pen 0.7mm Blue - Pilot Corporation of America

Pilot FriXion Erasable Pens

The Pilot FriXion series revolutionized the way we think about pens with its erasable ink technology. These pens allow you to write smoothly and erase cleanly, making them perfect for students, planners, or anyone who wants the flexibility to adjust as they go.

Pilot Frixion Ball Biz LFB-150EF-S Silver Ballpoint Pen

Try it: Pilot Frixion Ball Biz LFB-150EF-S Silver Ballpoint Pen

Pilot Hi-Tec-C Gel Pens

With an ultra-fine tip, the Pilot Hi-Tec-C gel pen provides precision for detailed writing and drawing. Known for its vibrant colors and sharp lines, it’s a favorite for technical work and artistic projects.

Pilot Hi-Tec-C 03 Extra Fine Gel Ballpoint Pen

Add to your pen collection: Pilot Hi-Tec-C 03 Extra Fine Gel Ballpoint Pen

Pilot Dr. Grip Pens

For those seeking comfort during long writing sessions, the Pilot Dr. Grip pens feature an ergonomic grip that reduces strain on the hand. The balanced weight and cushioned grip make it an excellent choice for people who write extensively.

Pilot Dr.Grip Ace 0.3 Gradient Silver Mechanical Pencil HDGAC-80R3-GS

Shop now and experience the excellent of Pilot Stationery: Pilot Dr.Grip Ace 0.3 Gradient Silver Mechanical Pencil HDGAC-80R3-GS

Pilot Kakuno Fountain Pens

The Pilot Kakuno fountain pen is a fantastic introduction to fountain pens, especially for beginners. With a cheerful design and a smooth ink flow, this pen is perfect for anyone looking to elevate their writing experience with a bit of style.

Pilot Pink Kakuno M Girl Fountain Pen 

Get it here: Pilot Pink Kakuno M Girl Fountain Pen 

Benefits of Using Pilot Stationery

Choosing Pilot stationery means investing in tools that enhance your writing or creative process. Here’s why Pilot products stand out:
  • Superior Ink Quality: Pilot pens are known for their high-quality ink, offering rich, vibrant colors and consistent flow without skipping.

  • Durability: Pilot’s commitment to quality means their products are built to last, providing excellent value and longevity.

  • Eco-Conscious Options: With refillable models, Pilot allows users to reduce waste while enjoying high-performance pens.

  • Precision and Control: Pilot’s fine-tipped pens and ergonomic designs provide excellent control, allowing for accurate writing and detailed artwork.

How to Choose the Right Pilot Stationery for Your Needs

To get the most from your Pilot stationery, consider what best fits your needs:
  • Everyday Writing: If you need a versatile pen for daily writing, the Pilot G2 Gel Pen or the Dr. Grip Pen provides comfort and smooth ink flow.

  • Technical or Artistic Work: The Pilot Hi-Tec-C Gel Pen is ideal for detailed work, while the Pilot Kakuno Fountain Pen offers a refined writing experience.

  • Flexibility and Erasability: For those who need the option to erase, the FriXion Erasable Pen is a perfect choice for planning and notes.

Tips for Maintaining Your Pilot Stationery

To ensure your Pilot pens and pencils last longer:
  • Store Properly: Keep pens capped or retracted to avoid drying out the ink.

  • Refill When Possible: Many Pilot models are refillable, providing a sustainable option and reducing waste.

  • Avoid Pressing Too Hard: To extend the life of fine-tipped pens, use a light touch to prevent tip damage.

Elevate Your Writing with Pilot Stationery at Kiichin

From precision gel pens to comfortable grip models and refillable options, Pilot stationery offers something for everyone. Browse our Pilot collection at Kiichin to find the ideal writing tools to elevate your productivity and creativity. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a stationery enthusiast, Pilot provides the quality and innovation you need to make every line count.

Why Shop Pilot Stationery at Kiichin?

At Kiichin, we pride ourselves on offering authentic, high-quality Japanese stationery. When you choose to shop with us, you can expect:
  • Curated Selection: We’ve handpicked the best Pilot products to ensure you get reliable, top-quality options.

  • Commitment to Quality: All of our products are authentic, offering you the same high standards that Pilot is known for.

  • Exceptional Customer Service: Our team is here to help you select the perfect stationery for your needs and answer any questions you may have.