



  • 原价 $929.00
    原价 $929.00 - 原价 $929.00
    原价 $929.00
    现价 $755.00
    $755.00 - $755.00
    现价 $755.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin AG-KE10-CM 1L 玻璃手锅 哑光米色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi Mahobin AG-KE10-CM 1L 玻璃手锅适合任何厨房。其哑光米色表面呈现出现代时尚的外观。1L 容量非常适合烧水、做汤和炖菜,或任何其他热食。它易于使用,在任何厨房中都看起来很棒。用这款时尚的手锅享受美味佳肴。

    原价 $929.00
    原价 $929.00 - 原价 $929.00
    原价 $929.00
    现价 $755.00
    $755.00 - $755.00
    现价 $755.00
    节省19% 节省%
  • 原价 $1,038.00
    原价 $1,038.00 - 原价 $1,038.00
    原价 $1,038.00
    现价 $807.00
    $807.00 - $807.00
    现价 $807.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin SM-LA36-AD 360ml 海军蓝钢制水壶

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi Mahobin SM-LA36-AD 360 毫升海军蓝钢制水瓶非常适合外出使用。容量为 360 毫升,采用不锈钢结构和海军蓝饰面。这款水瓶耐用、易于携带,可让您的饮料保持数小时的冷热。使用这款水瓶,您可以方便地享用饮料。

    原价 $1,038.00
    原价 $1,038.00 - 原价 $1,038.00
    原价 $1,038.00
    现价 $807.00
    $807.00 - $807.00
    现价 $807.00
  • 原价 $1,152.00
    原价 $1,152.00 - 原价 $1,152.00
    原价 $1,152.00
    现价 $888.00
    $888.00 - $888.00
    现价 $888.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin SM-WS48-VM 480ml 不锈钢马克杯 兰花 3 合 1 清洗

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    Zojirushi 的 Mahobin SM-WS48-VM 是一款创新的 3 合 1 480 毫升不锈钢马克杯。它采用兰花图案设计,并配备强大的清洗系统,可让您的饮料保持数小时的冷热状态。它非常适合日常使用,并且非常耐用。今天就购买这款令人惊叹的马克杯吧!

    原价 $1,152.00
    原价 $1,152.00 - 原价 $1,152.00
    原价 $1,152.00
    现价 $888.00
    $888.00 - $888.00
    现价 $888.00
    节省23% 节省%
  • 原价 $2,258.00
    原价 $2,258.00 - 原价 $2,258.00
    原价 $2,258.00
    现价 $1,945.00
    $1,945.00 - $1,945.00
    现价 $1,945.00

    Zojirushi 不锈钢 3L 空气壶 保温/保冷 铜 SR-CC30-NZ

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi 不锈钢 3L 空气壶保温/保冷铜 SR-CC30-NZ 是让饮料保持数小时热或冷的完美方式。其不锈钢结构确保最大耐用性和时尚现代的外观。空气壶真空隔热结构可将液体保持在所需温度。全天以相同温度享用您最喜爱的饮料!

    原价 $2,258.00
    原价 $2,258.00 - 原价 $2,258.00
    原价 $2,258.00
    现价 $1,945.00
    $1,945.00 - $1,945.00
    现价 $1,945.00
    节省14% 节省%
  • 原价 $641.00
    原价 $641.00 - 原价 $641.00
    原价 $641.00
    现价 $478.00
    $478.00 - $478.00
    现价 $478.00

    Zojirushi SB-ZA01-J 不锈钢奶瓶清洁器 Pika 奶瓶

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    Zojirushi SB-ZA01-J 清洁剂 Pika 奶瓶是清洁不锈钢奶瓶的理想解决方案。这款奶瓶采用人体工程学设计,可防止生锈和沾染污渍。它易于使用,并配有方便的刷子,可清洁那些难以触及的污渍。使用这款清洁剂,您可以快速清洁不锈钢奶瓶。

    原价 $641.00
    原价 $641.00 - 原价 $641.00
    原价 $641.00
    现价 $478.00
    $478.00 - $478.00
    现价 $478.00
    节省25% 节省%
  • 原价 $934.00
    原价 $934.00 - 原价 $934.00
    原价 $934.00
    现价 $803.00
    $803.00 - $803.00
    现价 $803.00

    Zojirushi SM-SE48V 0.48L 不锈钢马克杯 卡其色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    Zojirushi SM-SE48V 0.48L 卡其色不锈钢马克杯是任何户外探险的完美伴侣。它采用不锈钢制成,设计时尚,可确保您的饮料保持数小时的热度或冷度。真空隔热有助于保持温度,易于握持的手柄使其携带舒适。这款马克杯采用迷人的卡其色,无论放在任何地方都很漂亮。今天就购买 Zojirush...

    原价 $934.00
    原价 $934.00 - 原价 $934.00
    原价 $934.00
    现价 $803.00
    $803.00 - $803.00
    现价 $803.00
  • 原价 $2,186.00
    原价 $2,186.00 - 原价 $2,186.00
    原价 $2,186.00
    现价 $1,557.00
    $1,557.00 - $1,557.00
    现价 $1,557.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin SM-SC48-PV 480ml 珊瑚粉色轻质钢制水瓶

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi Mahobin SM-SC48-PV 480 毫升珊瑚粉色轻质钢制水瓶是那些寻找时尚可靠水瓶的人的理想选择。这款水瓶采用耐用的不锈钢制成,表面光滑,呈浅粉色,防漏且易于携带,是您出行生活方式的绝佳伴侣。

    原价 $2,186.00
    原价 $2,186.00 - 原价 $2,186.00
    原价 $2,186.00
    现价 $1,557.00
    $1,557.00 - $1,557.00
    现价 $1,557.00
    节省29% 节省%
  • 原价 $1,125.00
    原价 $1,125.00 - 原价 $1,125.00
    原价 $1,125.00
    现价 $847.00
    $847.00 - $847.00
    现价 $847.00

    Zojirushi 马克杯瓶 咖啡黑色 480ml SM-SD48V-BZ

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi Cafe 黑色马克杯非常适合咖啡和茶爱好者!容量为 480 毫升,由耐用的不锈钢制成,非常适合盛放热饮和冷饮。SM-SD48V-BZ 采用真空隔热设计,可让饮料保持数小时的热度或冷度。是您喝咖啡和喝茶的完美伴侣。

    原价 $1,125.00
    原价 $1,125.00 - 原价 $1,125.00
    原价 $1,125.00
    现价 $847.00
    $847.00 - $847.00
    现价 $847.00
  • 原价 $780.00 - 原价 $780.00
    原价 $780.00
    $864.00 - $864.00
    现价 $864.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin SW-PA02-TD 食品罐袋 M 号 深棕色

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi Mahobin SW-PA02-TD 食品罐袋 M 号深棕色非常适合让您的食物保持数小时的冷热。其真空隔热技术让您可以随身携带您喜爱的食物。它也是您在旅途中储存汤、麦片和其他食物的好方法。这款 M 号袋子采用深棕色设计,可为您的餐点增添时尚感,适合任何场合。

    原价 $780.00 - 原价 $780.00
    原价 $780.00
    $864.00 - $864.00
    现价 $864.00
  • 原价 $721.00 - 原价 $721.00
    原价 $721.00
    $791.00 - $791.00
    现价 $791.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin 0.24L 便当盒和 0.19L 侧容器筷子和午餐袋

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi Mahobin 套装非常适合外出携带午餐。0.24 升便当盒和 0.19 升侧盒非常适合装各种食物。此外,还附赠一双筷子和一个午餐袋,方便您携带餐点。无论您身在何处,都可以准备好享用美味的午餐。

    原价 $721.00 - 原价 $721.00
    原价 $721.00
    $791.00 - $791.00
    现价 $791.00
  • 原价 $3,981.00
    原价 $3,981.00 - 原价 $3,981.00
    原价 $3,981.00
    现价 $3,324.00
    $3,324.00 - $3,324.00
    现价 $3,324.00

    Zojirushi AB-TW30-FX 3L 白色玻璃保温气壶带水位计

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    Zojirushi AB-TW30-FX 3L 白色玻璃保温空气壶是满足您家庭或办公室需求的完美选择。其创新的水位计功能可让您精确控制液位,而 3L 的容量可让您容纳大量热水或冷水。时尚的白色玻璃设计使这款壶成为任何厨房的绝佳补充。

    原价 $3,981.00
    原价 $3,981.00 - 原价 $3,981.00
    原价 $3,981.00
    现价 $3,324.00
    $3,324.00 - $3,324.00
    现价 $3,324.00
    节省17% 节省%
  • 原价 $4,186.00
    原价 $4,186.00 - 原价 $4,186.00
    原价 $4,186.00
    现价 $3,852.00
    $3,852.00 - $3,852.00
    现价 $3,852.00

    Zojirushi EC-Ks50-RA 红色咖啡机 1-5 杯

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    使用 Zojirushi EC-Ks50-RA 红色咖啡机冲泡美味的咖啡。这款 1-5 杯咖啡机采用紧凑设计,可轻松放置在任何厨房柜台上。每天早晨享用新鲜冲泡的咖啡。使用 Zojirushi EC-Ks50-RA 红色咖啡机,每次都能获得一杯完美的咖啡。

    原价 $4,186.00
    原价 $4,186.00 - 原价 $4,186.00
    原价 $4,186.00
    现价 $3,852.00
    $3,852.00 - $3,852.00
    现价 $3,852.00
  • 原价 $1,230.00 - 原价 $1,230.00
    原价 $1,230.00
    $1,310.00 - $1,310.00
    现价 $1,310.00

    Zojirushi B503-6B 小容量电饭煲锅

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    这款 Zojirushi 电饭煲锅非常适合煮少量米饭。它使用方便,每次都能煮出松软、完美的米饭。它具有 6 杯容量和自动关闭功能,更加方便。使用 Zojirushi B503-6B 小容量电饭煲锅,享受完美煮熟的米饭。

    原价 $1,230.00 - 原价 $1,230.00
    原价 $1,230.00
    $1,310.00 - $1,310.00
    现价 $1,310.00
  • 原价 $635.00 - 原价 $635.00
    原价 $635.00
    $694.00 - $694.00
    现价 $694.00

    Zojirushi SM-ED30-WP 不锈钢水瓶 300ml 珍珠白

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    来完成这项任务。 “无论您去哪里,这款时尚耐用的 Zojirushi SM-ED30-WP 水瓶都能让您保持水分充足。它由不锈钢制成,采用时尚的珍珠白色。其 300 毫升容量非常适合让您在旅途中保持清爽。使用这款时尚、可持续的水瓶,在享受清凉饮料的同时保护环境。”

    原价 $635.00 - 原价 $635.00
    原价 $635.00
    $694.00 - $694.00
    现价 $694.00
  • 原价 $785.00 - 原价 $785.00
    原价 $785.00
    $2,202.00 - $2,202.00
    现价 $2,202.00

    Zojirushi Mahobin 480ml 不锈钢美人鱼蓝色马克杯 SM-WG48-AZ

    Zojirushi Mahobin (Zojirushi)

    介绍 Zojirushi Mahobin 480ml 不锈钢美人鱼蓝马克杯 SM-WG48-AZ。这款时尚现代的马克杯采用耐用的不锈钢制成,表面为美丽的美人鱼蓝。其隔热设计可让您的饮料长时间保持热或冷,让您随时随地享受您喜爱的饮品。它外观经典,容量大,为 480ml,适合任何场合。

    原价 $785.00 - 原价 $785.00
    原价 $785.00
    $2,202.00 - $2,202.00
    现价 $2,202.00
  • 原价 $1,286.00 - 原价 $1,286.00
    原价 $1,286.00
    $1,298.00 - $1,298.00
    现价 $1,298.00

    Zojirushi 2L 不锈钢水瓶 耐用又时尚的补水解决方案


    介绍 Zojirushi 2L 不锈钢水瓶,一款耐用且时尚的补水解决方案。这款水瓶由 Zojirushi Corporation 制造,以其创新的真空隔热和温度控制技术而闻名,专为长期使用而设计。它配有肩带、氟涂层内表面和可拆卸内塞,便于维护。该产品还包括一个手柄和肩带,方便携带。为确保其使用...

    原价 $1,286.00 - 原价 $1,286.00
    原价 $1,286.00
    $1,298.00 - $1,298.00
    现价 $1,298.00
  • 原价 $1,032.00 - 原价 $1,032.00
    原价 $1,032.00
    $1,069.00 - $1,069.00
    现价 $1,069.00

    Zojirushi 1.5L 不锈钢水瓶 耐用补水解决方案


    介绍 Zojirushi 1.5L 不锈钢水瓶,一款适用于家庭和工业用途的耐用补水解决方案。采用 Zojirushi 独特的真空隔热和温度控制技术,这款水瓶可让您的饮料长时间保持热或冷。其便利功能包括氟涂层内表面、易于拆卸维护以及方便携带的手柄和肩带。适当的保养和维护可确保这款高品质产品的使用...

    原价 $1,032.00 - 原价 $1,032.00
    原价 $1,032.00
    $1,069.00 - $1,069.00
    现价 $1,069.00
  • 原价 $965.00
    原价 $965.00 - 原价 $965.00
    原价 $965.00
    现价 $619.00
    $619.00 - $619.00
    现价 $619.00

    Zojirushi 不锈钢水瓶 360 毫升 黑色 - Sm-Na36-Ba


    使用 Zojirushi 不锈钢水瓶,随时随地保持水分充足。这款水瓶采用优质不锈钢制成,轻巧耐用,具有隔热功能,可让您的饮料保持数小时的低温。采用宽口设计,重新注水和清洁轻而易举。光滑的黑色外观为任何服装增添了一丝精致感。无论您是在旅途中还是在旅途中,这款水瓶都是您的完美伴侣。

    原价 $965.00
    原价 $965.00 - 原价 $965.00
    原价 $965.00
    现价 $619.00
    $619.00 - $619.00
    现价 $619.00
    节省36% 节省%
  • 原价 $1,053.00 - 原价 $1,053.00
    原价 $1,053.00
    $1,915.00 - $1,915.00
    现价 $1,915.00

    Zojirushi 不锈钢保温水瓶 480ml - 哑光黑色


    使用 Zojirushi 不锈钢保温水瓶,保持水份充足。这款时尚的哑光黑色水瓶可让您的饮料保冷长达 24 小时,保温长达 12 小时。宽口设计和带安全锁的旋盖设计,便于清洁、装水,并可防止意外溢出。无论您是在工作、健身还是外出,这款实用而时尚的配件都非常适合所有场合。使用 Zojirushi ...

    原价 $1,053.00 - 原价 $1,053.00
    原价 $1,053.00
    $1,915.00 - $1,915.00
    现价 $1,915.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $3,304.00 - $3,304.00
    现价 $3,304.00

    Zojirushi Stainless Steel Food Jar 0.5L Shiny Pink 16.9Oz


    Keep your meals fresh and tasty with the Zojirushi Stainless Steel Food Jar. This 0.5L jar comes in a vibrant shiny pink and offers excellent heat ...

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $3,304.00 - $3,304.00
    现价 $3,304.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $3,447.00 - $3,447.00
    现价 $3,447.00

    Zojirushi 16Oz Stainless Steel Travel Mug Deep Blue with Tea Filter 0.46L


    Enjoy hot or cold beverages on the go with the Zojirushi 16Oz Stainless Steel Travel Mug in Deep Blue. Features a convenient tea filter for fresh b...

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $3,447.00 - $3,447.00
    现价 $3,447.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $2,163.00 - $2,163.00
    现价 $2,163.00

    Zojirushi Aqua Blue 25 Oz Stainless Steel Food Jar 0.75L Capacity


    The Zojirushi Aqua Blue Stainless Steel Food Jar offers a 25 oz (0.75L) capacity, perfect for keeping meals hot or cold. Durable design with an eas...

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $2,163.00 - $2,163.00
    现价 $2,163.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,013.00 - $1,013.00
    现价 $1,013.00

    Zojirushi 450ml Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Cup Anpanman Series SC-LG45A-ER


    Carry your favorite beverages in style with the Zojirushi 450Ml Stainless Steel Water Bottle. Part of the charming Anpanman Series, this bottle kee...

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $1,013.00 - $1,013.00
    现价 $1,013.00
  • 原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $3,697.00 - $3,697.00
    现价 $3,697.00

    Zojirushi 16 Oz Silver Stainless Steel Mug SM-KHE48XA Vacuum Insulated


    Enjoy your favorite beverages at the perfect temperature with the Zojirushi 16 Oz Stainless Steel Mug. The silver vacuum-insulated design ensures d...

    原价 $0.00 - 原价 $0.00
    原价 $0.00
    $3,697.00 - $3,697.00
    现价 $3,697.00


Upgrade Your Kitchen with the Best Zojirushi Products

In the ever-evolving world of kitchen appliances and cookware, one brand has consistently stood out as a beacon of innovation, quality, and unparalleled performance – Zojirushi. Originating from the Land of the Rising Sun, this Japanese powerhouse has been captivating the hearts and minds of culinary enthusiasts worldwide, redefining the way we approach our culinary endeavors.

This article will delve into the remarkable story of Zojirushi, exploring the brand's unwavering commitment to excellence, its game-changing kitchen appliances, and the reasons why it has become a must-have for discerning home chefs and professional cooks alike. Prepare to embark on a journey that will leave you inspired and eager to incorporate Zojirushi's cutting-edge technology into your own kitchen.

Why Choose Zojirushi for Your Home?

Zojirushi is a trusted name in households worldwide, known for delivering premium kitchen appliances with advanced technology and user-friendly features. Established in Japan, Zojirushi has over a century of expertise in producing high-quality, durable, and innovative kitchen appliances, from rice cookers to coffee makers and vacuum-insulated bottles. At Kiichin, we’re proud to offer a curated selection of Zojirushi products, making it easier than ever to bring quality, convenience, and Japanese innovation into your home.

Whether you're looking to make perfectly cooked rice, keep your coffee warm, or enjoy hot meals on the go, Zojirushi has a solution to meet your needs. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top Zojirushi products available at Kiichin and see how they can transform your kitchen routine.

Essential Zojirushi Products to Elevate Your Kitchen

1. Zojirushi Rice Cookers: Perfect Rice Every Time

Zojirushi rice cookers are famous for their versatility, quality, and ability to cook perfect rice consistently. These rice cookers incorporate advanced technology, including fuzzy logic and induction heating, to precisely adjust cooking times and temperatures. From white and brown rice to sushi and porridge settings, Zojirushi rice cookers handle it all.

Zojirushi Pressure IH Rice Cooker B426-6B Nanbu Tekki Extreme Hagama

Add to cart: Zojirushi Pressure IH Rice Cooker B426-6B Nanbu Tekki Extreme Hagama

2. Zojirushi Vacuum-Insulated Bottles and Mugs: Keep Beverages Hot or Cold for Hours

Zojirushi’s vacuum-insulated bottles and mugs are designed to maintain the temperature of your drinks for hours, making them perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle. Whether you’re heading to work, the gym, or an outdoor adventure, these bottles and mugs are lightweight, leak-proof, and keep beverages at the desired temperature.

Zojirushi Vacuum Mug 480ml SM-KA48-PT Lavender Pink

Bring it home: Zojirushi Vacuum Mug 480ml SM-KA48-PT Lavender Pink

3. Zojirushi Coffee Makers: Brew Barista-Quality Coffee at Home

For coffee enthusiasts, Zojirushi coffee makers are designed to deliver a rich, flavorful cup of coffee every time. With features like temperature control and programmable brewing, Zojirushi coffee makers are perfect for anyone who wants high-quality coffee without the need for a coffee shop.

Zojirushi EC-Ks50-RA Red Coffee Maker 1-5 Cups

Shop now: Zojirushi EC-Ks50-RA Red Coffee Maker 1-5 Cups

Key Benefits of Zojirushi Products

  • Superior Japanese Craftsmanship: Zojirushi products are designed and manufactured with the highest standards, offering longevity, durability, and top-notch performance.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Zojirushi incorporates innovative technology like fuzzy logic and induction heating in its products to ensure consistent, high-quality results.

  • Energy Efficiency: Many Zojirushi appliances, including their water boilers and rice cookers, come with energy-saving features that reduce power consumption without compromising performance.

  • User-Friendly Designs: From easy-to-read control panels to ergonomic designs, Zojirushi products prioritize usability, making it easy for everyone to enjoy their kitchen time.

  • Stylish and Space-Saving: Zojirushi products are known for their sleek, modern designs that complement any kitchen. Many products are also compact, making them ideal for smaller spaces.

Why Buy Zojirushi from Kiichin ?

When you purchase Zojirushi products from Kiichin, you’re not just buying appliances—you’re investing in reliable, high-quality kitchen tools that make daily life easier and more enjoyable. Here’s why shopping at Kiichin is the best choice for Zojirushi products:
  • Curated Selection: Kiichin offers a handpicked collection of Zojirushi products, ensuring you have access to the brand’s best and most popular items.

  • Competitive Pricing: Our store provides competitive pricing on premium Zojirushi products, giving you great value for quality kitchen essentials.

  • Convenient Shopping Experience: With detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and a user-friendly website, shopping for Zojirushi at Kiichin is easy and enjoyable.

  • Customer Support: Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and provide support, ensuring you find the right Zojirushi products for your needs.


Zojirushi products bring efficiency, quality, and innovation to every kitchen, making daily tasks easier and more enjoyable. From preparing perfect rice to brewing barista-quality coffee and keeping drinks at the ideal temperature, Zojirushi is a brand trusted by households around the world. At Kiichin, we’re excited to offer a selection of top Zojirushi products that cater to various kitchen needs.

Explore our Zojirushi collection today and experience the difference these products can make in your cooking and daily routine. Embrace Japanese innovation and bring a new level of convenience and quality to your home with Zojirushi, only at Kiichin !